Thursday, December 23, 2021

Learn Japanese through Peppa Pig!


When you have a toddler in the house, changing of the tv channel is not allowed when their favourite show is running.

You are forced to watch the children’s programmes like Peppa Pig. Looking at the brighter side, it provides the chance for immersion and for beginners, it’s an opportunity to develop fluency.

When it comes to fluency in foreign language especially Japanese, one of the most difficult languages in the world, going by the traditional route is not sufficient.

 Very well explained in the video:

 ‘JLPT N1 and Still Not Fluent’ - Confessions of a Traditional Language Learner:

Fluency is not having a ‘Shashi Tharoor’ vocabulary but the ability to articulate your thoughts and feelings, expressing yourself effectively. The programmes made for children are simple and the plot is easy to follow. A detailed analysis of learning a language through Peppa Pig published in ‘Journal of Linguistics and Education Research’

is here:

The most important part mentioned in the article is Lexical Priming and the formulaic sequences  , they are the building blocks of communication.

If the dialogues are analysed and learnt with ‘the Ancyra method’ where everything is understood through a context, a very good comprehension happens. This leads to the acquisition of language much-much faster and the repetition leads to fluency. 

One episode from Peppa pig is taken for analysis.

In English:

In Hindi:

in Japanese:

The dialogues : ペッパは親友(しんゆう)のスージーシープを待っ(まっ)ています。




Are analysed as follows:

親友(しんゆう) could be decomposed as {intimate+ friend},

Intimate is しん or Shin {Mnemonic: you dont use maShin gun on someone intimate}

Friend is ゆう or Yuu {Mnemonic: the friend you got through Youtube}

Likewise, every word is analysed and the mnemonic or memory bridge is provided.

Continuing to wait 待つ【まつ】    {matsu} Waiting for you at Machu-Picchu.

to play遊ぶ(あそぶ)     aasobu         {who are playing?  Aaliya and Shobhu}

to come-()ました。Past tense of 来る【くる】{a Cool breeze has come}

in this manner, everything could be connected with the already familiar elements and a lot of efforts are saved along with big reduction in time.

Or this can be customized and own personal mnemonics could be created by oneself, however a lot of practice is required to make them effective.

Some kanji like crops up which is a N1 kanji. It takes 3-4 years to reach N1 level if someone studies diligently.

There are shortcuts, lets see them some other time.

Friday, January 26, 2018

The Hyperloop of Japanese language learning

frustrated by Kanji 

The Hyperloop of Japanese language learning
Ishaan was an above average guy and though he came from a modest family, he was ambitious and dreamed of a global career.
One day he fell in love with Japanese Anime and culture and started to learn the language.
So, the hard work began.
Every day he used to put in several hours apart from the regular studies into learning Japanese which was full of drills and memorization.
It was a happy day in his life when he landed a job and also found some material which would ease his strenuous study as he always struggled with the script full of Chinese characters.
But, that was not sufficient as remembering the structure and the pronunciation of the characters with their meanings at the same time was difficult. Also, the changes of affixes in the grammar known as conjugations were hard.
For a working person it is always difficult to manage the time.
So, he just dragged himself like everybody else and kept on studying harder and longer but the breakthrough he was looking for never came.
At last, he decided to quit the study altogether and forget his dreams. But, he was lucky as while googling randomly he came across the following method which changed his life.
Now, from a frustrated learner trudging with a snail’s speed, he has metamorphosis-ed himself into the joyful extreme rider of the Hyperloop of Japanese language learning.
Why do we forget the foreign language vocabulary even after repeating N number of times?
Because , our mind does not accept the foreign sound readily.
So,what possibly can fix this?
The Trojan Horse system to infiltrate the mind.
Trojan Horse in the form of stories, as human mind is evolved to remember stories unlike information and facts.
The Stories of known characters and things.
They deceive the mind into believing that the foreign words made up of foreign sounds are nothing new & thus, once the mind accepts them,the struggle to tame them and with that, the frustration stops.
 To further strengthen the stories , couple them with a Rhyme.
The rhyme creates a rhythm in the mind with which strong connections are formed between neurons( new information is combined with the old in the mind)and quick memory formation is facilitated which results into Quick learning.
This acts wonderfully with the languages full of homonyms and homophones like Japanese.
(n) citizen, townspeople
Can be remembered as:
The citizens of Chicago are mean,
isn’t it queen?
(n) road, highway
Lots of Doves were squatting
the road, Gyro
Gyro Gearloose(from Duck-tales)
Learning a word which is a combination of two or more characters is much effective than learning a pronunciation of a single Chinese character(Kan-Ji).
Also,the script can be learned easily through stories!
Kanji for Love
This complex character which is one of the most popular Kanji i.e. Chinese character for LOVE can be simplified and made memorable through an imaginary story as follows:
A dragon insert its claw through the roof of the house and snatches the heart of a child,his mother runs after him , to restore the heart and bring back the child to life through magic.This is the power of mother’s love and mother is called ‘AAI’ in Marathi.
her walking legs are depicted in the image .So, collectively a memorable story gets formed . Almost every Kanji in the world could be learned quickly like this.
Any learner can save more than 70% of his time and efforts in learning
the foreign language by this method.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

16 ) Word to word transliteration: Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban in Hindi

ハリー・ポッタ हैरी पौटर
ーは के बारे में बोला जाए अगर
いろいろな रंगारंग ऐसे (कई)
意味 मायने
きわめて 極めて = extremely हद्द तक
普通  सामान्य
ではない नहीं (ऐसा)
男の子 बच्चा
だった。 था
まず、सबसे पहले
一年中 एक साल भर
で में
一番 एक नंबर(सबसे जादा)
嫌いな नापसंद
の वाला
が यह
夏休み गर्मी की छुट्टिया
第二  क्रम दूसरा
宿題 होमवर्क
を को
やりたくて करना चाहते
しかたがない कर पाता नहीं
のに、वाला होने से
真夜中 बराब्बर आधी रात
こっそり  छुपकर
やらざるをえなかった。किये ना को कोई चारा नहीं था
その उसके
ハリー・ポッターは हैरी पौटर के बारे में बोला जाए अगर
たまたま संजोग से
魔法使い जादू का तरीके का जानकार  (जादूगर)
真夜中 बराब्बर आधी रात
近く、के करीब
ハリーは हैरी
ベッド बेड
に पर
腹這い पेट के बल उल्टा
になって、में होकर
頭 सीर
から से
毛布 कम्बल
を को
テント टेंट
のように  के जैसा
すっぽり पूरी तरह
片手  एक हाथ
に में
懐中電灯 टॉर्च
を को
大きな बडासा
革表紙  चमड़े के कवर
の वाला
本 किताब
(バチルダ・バグショット बथिलडा बैगशोट
著 की कृती
「魔法史」) जादू का इतिहास
を को
枕 तकिये
に से
立てかけて सहारा लेते हुए
鷲羽 उल्लू के पंख की
ペン कलम
の के
ペン先 निब
で से
頁 पेज
の के
上 ऊपर
から से
下 नीचे
へ की तरफ
と ऐसा
たどり  घुमाते
宿題 होमवर्क
の के
レポート रिपोर्ट
を को
書く लिखने
のに के लिए
役立ちそうな  helpful to मददगार
ところ जगह
を、 को
眉根  भौंवो
を को
よせて मोड़कर
探して खोजते
いるところだった。ही रहा था !

Friday, July 21, 2017

15) Harry Potter in japanese-अज्काबान का कैदी




Sunday, January 8, 2017

14)क्रियापद नगरी - Part 3

क्रियापद नगरी - Part 3
आगे के जो conjugations हमें करने है , उनके लिए देखना पडेगा 'ते -form' जैसा English  का ing प्रत्यय है वैसाही है ते -form। सीखने के लिए:

नोमू का होगा As per vid, नोन्दे { उ verbs के conjugations के लिए ही ते form use  किया जाता है।}
ताबेरु जो iru-eru type का verb  है ,उसमे last  वाला रु हटाके ते लगाते है।
ताबे रु---> ताबे ते 
e.g. खाकर देख = ताबेते मिते 
       पीकर देख = नोन्दे मिते।
ते form  से जो conjugations बनते है वो है:ते-ता-तारा-तारी
Past भूतकाल  
Conditional किया होता तो
Alternative ये किया और वो किया
नोमू: नोमू-नोन्दा-नोन्दारा-नोन्दारी
ताबेरू :ताबेरू-ताबेता-ताबेतारा-ताबेतारी
पीया होता तो ये पीया और वो पीया
खाया होता तो ये खाया और वो खाया

Saturday, January 7, 2017

13)क्रियापद नगरी - Part 2

क्रियापद नगरी - पार्ट 2 
             हम ऊ  Bldg. से Right  side  में बढ़ रहे है।  5 no. की और आख़िरी Bldg. है 'ओ '   which  is Volitional . 
पीना चाहिए  = नोमोs 
खाना चाहिए = ताबेयोs
*{To Remember:  Oyo (Rooms) में  ठहरने से सुलझेगी लझन ओहो !}
Now coming from Central towards Left saide , the Building is ई Bldg. 
                जैसा की नाम से स्पष्ट होता है, यह Bldg. Polite form  बनाने कि लिए use  जाता है।  
मु-->मि As in  मा -मि -मु -मे -मो।  
नोमु u verb - पीना होगा नोमीमास मतलब  पीते है जी और 
ताबेरू, iru/eru का पहले Base रहेगा ताबे और बादमे लगेगा मास ,होगा ताबेमास मतलब खाते है जी !
Strangely, non-veg  मास-मछली वाली language -polite बन जाती  है।  
         Next Bldg is 1st Bldg.which is आ।  ; नोमु -&; नोमा 

                   1) Negative - नकारार्थी  2) Causative - करवाना  3) Passive -किया जाना  4) Causative-Passive करवाया जाना। 
1) Negative - नकारार्थी:
  पीना  नहीं = नोमानाई   u verbs: आ  form + नाई 
  खाना  नहीं  = ताबे नाई  iru/eru : Base +  नाई 
2) Causative - करवाना
Make someone to do some thing.
पीलवाना = नोमासेरु 
पिलाना = नोमासु 
खिलवाना = ताबेसासेरू 
खिलाना = ताबेसासु 
*{To Remember: the story of Sheru आ सेरु ,सेरु की साँसे रुकवायी}

3) Passive -किया जाना:
पिलाया गया = नोमारेरु 
& खीलाया गया =ताबेरारेरु 
*{To Remember:आ रे रुस्तम - ला रे रुस्तम को , रुस्तम को लाया गया 

4) Causative-Passive करवाया जाना। :
पिलवाया गया =  नोमासासेरु 
खिलवाया गया 
Yes, 2) + 3)

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

1) Welcome

  दोस्तो,आप सभी को मेरा प्यार भरा कोनिचिवा! {Hi,Hello or This Day in Japanese} आज हम एक सरल और आसान तरीके से 'Fundamental Japanese Grammar' सीखनेका प्रयास करेंगे और देखेंगे की अलग-अलग बातो को जापानीज में express कैसे करे? वह भी कम से कम समय में,पर उससे पहले यह देखते है की हमें Japanese सीखने की आवश्यकता क्यों है?
           जापान के PM श्री शिंज़ो आबे सामा ने कहा है,
 "The India-Japan relationship has the greatest 
potential of any bilateral relationship in the world!" 
         हमे अगर यह सम्बन्ध दृढ़ बनाने है जो की हमारे लिए economic,social और strategic दृष्टिकोण से महत्वपूर्ण है ,तो हमे सांस्कृतिक तरीके से करीब आना होगा। साथ में एक-दुसरे की भाषा भी सीखनी पड़ेगी। ऐसा कहा जाता है की "If you speak in the mother tongue of a person it goes directly into his heart."
        जापानी सीखनेका प्रयास तो हम कई वर्षोंसे करते आये है लेकिन लिपि भिन्न होने की वजह से काफी कठिनाइयों का सामना कारना पड़ता है। जापानी भाषा के विद्यार्थीयों को ढेर सारी दिक्कतों को पार करना पड़ता है 
         हमारे देश के प्रधानमंत्री ने आवाहन किया है की Audio-visual और written text के साथ Japanese language के online study material का निर्माण हो:
  "Interest is the backbone of all learning processes!" 
इसलिए Japanese language में interest create करने की और learning की process को रोचक और मजेदार बनाने की पूरजोर कोशिश यहाँ की गई है। आशा है आपके लिए यह प्रयास उपयोगी साबित होगा। 
 * For the innovative Verb Conjugation Techniques jump to : क्रियापद नगरी - Part 1