Thursday, December 23, 2021

Learn Japanese through Peppa Pig!


When you have a toddler in the house, changing of the tv channel is not allowed when their favourite show is running.

You are forced to watch the children’s programmes like Peppa Pig. Looking at the brighter side, it provides the chance for immersion and for beginners, it’s an opportunity to develop fluency.

When it comes to fluency in foreign language especially Japanese, one of the most difficult languages in the world, going by the traditional route is not sufficient.

 Very well explained in the video:

 ‘JLPT N1 and Still Not Fluent’ - Confessions of a Traditional Language Learner:

Fluency is not having a ‘Shashi Tharoor’ vocabulary but the ability to articulate your thoughts and feelings, expressing yourself effectively. The programmes made for children are simple and the plot is easy to follow. A detailed analysis of learning a language through Peppa Pig published in ‘Journal of Linguistics and Education Research’

is here:

The most important part mentioned in the article is Lexical Priming and the formulaic sequences  , they are the building blocks of communication.

If the dialogues are analysed and learnt with ‘the Ancyra method’ where everything is understood through a context, a very good comprehension happens. This leads to the acquisition of language much-much faster and the repetition leads to fluency. 

One episode from Peppa pig is taken for analysis.

In English:

In Hindi:

in Japanese:

The dialogues : ペッパは親友(しんゆう)のスージーシープを待っ(まっ)ています。




Are analysed as follows:

親友(しんゆう) could be decomposed as {intimate+ friend},

Intimate is しん or Shin {Mnemonic: you dont use maShin gun on someone intimate}

Friend is ゆう or Yuu {Mnemonic: the friend you got through Youtube}

Likewise, every word is analysed and the mnemonic or memory bridge is provided.

Continuing to wait 待つ【まつ】    {matsu} Waiting for you at Machu-Picchu.

to play遊ぶ(あそぶ)     aasobu         {who are playing?  Aaliya and Shobhu}

to come-()ました。Past tense of 来る【くる】{a Cool breeze has come}

in this manner, everything could be connected with the already familiar elements and a lot of efforts are saved along with big reduction in time.

Or this can be customized and own personal mnemonics could be created by oneself, however a lot of practice is required to make them effective.

Some kanji like crops up which is a N1 kanji. It takes 3-4 years to reach N1 level if someone studies diligently.

There are shortcuts, lets see them some other time.